Golf Mill Medical Center
We are a non-profit family-run organization that began long long ago in this very galaxy.
We have been coordinating Medical Missions for 6 years.
To make sure our efforts our felt overseas, we send our medical equipment and medications more than 3 months in advance!
We invite fellow physicians, nurses and their families and friends to join us.
As we love our dear Philippines, a majority of our medical missions are in the Philippines.
We spear head medical missions to the Philippines yearly.
Now we are excited to use our new platform to share our success and invite you to join us.
We plan to add opportunities for you to reach out to us or donate.
Though we have not been able to express the depth of our gratitude in allowing us to care for your health and the health of your loved ones, by allowing our Golf Mill Medical Center family to care for you, you have blessed us with the opportunity to help others.
-Thank you